Effective Communicator, Diversity Advocate, Creative Leader
At a young age, I began speaking publicly on behalf of my great, great-grandmother Maggie Lena Walker. Her prominent legacy in Richmond, VA gave me experience early in communications and offered me the opportunity to connect with people through her story.
In May 2019 I graduated from James Madison University where I studied Communications and Public Relations. During my time I served the Office of Admissions as a Student Ambassador offering tours to prospective students and their families. I also spent my Spring 2018 semester in London, England where I completed class credit and an internship in fashion public relations with Wingfield PR.
Professionally, I interned at NBC 12 & CW Richmond, where I used my skills to assist the news and marketing departments. I have interned at Wingfield PR in London and PR Consulting in New York, two prominent fashion PR agencies that offered valuable insight into the world of fashion.